@CCHomeServices EXPERIENCE is the difference!!! TRUST that!!
* Eddie has 17 consecutive years in the pest management field, specializing in real estate termite inspections * Has performed over 10,000+ real estate pest/termite inspections during his career * Exceptional - FRIENDLY - Personal Service * Objective & Unbiased - CONFIDENTIAL * We do NOT call for unnecessary treatment * Quick turn-around time on your completed inspection report * DMAAR Member with LOCKBOX ACCESS * Knowledgeable - Professional - Trustworthy - HONEST * Fully & more than adequately Insured for our local market ($1Mil BTW) * Excellent references from many outstanding local Realtors!! * * * Pest Inspections through C&C Home Services are only $70.00!(+ tax) * * * |
AuthorKrista gets to maintain and update the blog -- Eddie will, of course, have some creative input and all questions will be addressed & answered by him. Ask Eddie